Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Late Halloween Post: A Study in Costumes

I know Halloween was last week, but I can't pass up the chance to write a post about it since it is my absolute favorite holiday.  I love the feeling of finding that perfect costume idea, brainstorming about the construction, and that great sense of accomplishment once you've created something you're really proud of.

One of my favorite things to do for my Halloween costumes is to use vintage pieces I already have (plus, it's cheap! Poor college students love cheap!).  Basically all my past Halloween costumes have included some kind of vintage clothing I already owned.  I'd like to take you along a magical journey, back through Halloweens past, back through my tagged Facebook photos...

Sorry for the tacky mirror picture, if only I had known I was going to make a blog!
2 years ago - Deer Costume
Dress: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Headband: American Apparel
Antlers: lovingly self-made out of cardboard

This costume was thrown together pretty last minute, but I loved it.  The velvet dress kept me warm while walking around outside and my antlers were a big hit.  And even though pretty much everyone assumed I was a reindeer, I really liked this costume. 

My attempt at the signature Steve Nicks pose

Last year - Stevie Nicks

Dress: A gift from my co-worker and fellow thrifter
Belt: Thrifted
Top Hat: Party City
Cape: Fabric via Joann Fabrics which I sewed onto the dress

Even though no one really knew who I was, I LOVED this costume.  Stevie Nicks is one of my favorite singers of all time and I had so much stinkin fun wearing this outfit. 

No shame.

Last year - Tippi Hedren from The Birds

2 piece suit: Thrifted
Birds: Doves from Hobby Lobby spray painted black

Okay, so this costume wasn't technically for Halloween-- I wore it to a Classic Cult Movies party, but I had to include it.  Easily my favorite costume I have ever put together, and pretty simple to make.  I actually had a relatively easy time finding a suit that matched the one Tippi wore in the movie.  After that I merely sewed the birds onto the skirt and jacket and sewed one onto a barrette to attach to my hair.  I think I looked pretty darn similar, don't you?

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of my costumes further than 2 years back because all of my old photos are in technology heaven along with my old Mac (sniff).  This year, my boyfriend was Bill Clinton and I was Monica Lewinsky.  I didn't take any pictures of our costumes myself, but once I find some I can throw them up here too.  Both of our costumes were completely thrifted, mine complete with a plaid, shoulder pad-adorned mini dress and some white vintage Ferragamos, and his with a grey suit and sailboat necktie.  We were a sight.

Now, I know I don't have many readers yet, but for those that do happen across this post, please comment and tell me about your favorite costumes!  Did you make them?  Buy them? Did people know what you were?  Drop me a comment and tell me all about it!

1 comment:

  1. nice outfit
    check out my blog
